Soccer Free Agents
Welcome to the Phoenix Adult Soccer League! We operate casual adult soccer games with the focus on hosting soccer matches in a safe environment. Ideally, after reading through this page you’ll understand the process we follow to bring on soccer players to teams.

We need to stress that the soccer league is managed by part time soccer playing fanatics. The league was formed as an outlet to play soccer. The Director and League Assistants have full-time jobs and this is done on the side. Please bare that in mind as we go through the process of getting you on a soccer team.
We offer individual free agents the ability to pay the league directly. This eliminates the free agents from paying a captain they have not met before and protects the captains from having free agents confirm they’ll play on their team yet not show up on game day.
We give full refunds up until 3 days before the first game if you have been assigned a team. After that we offer prorated refunds. Only reason for the prorated refund is because it might take several days to find a replacement and we cannot charge the new player a full fee seeing how they missed a game.
If you are not on a team then you will get a full refund. No questions asked.
Everyone is required to have a matching shirt and unique number on a team. A few teams have jerseys you can buy, some teams incorporate the cost of a jersey in the player fee, or teams might ask you to get a jersey from the league. It all depends on the team. When you join a team they’ll let you know what you have to do.
Our league tries to stay in the City of Tempe. The main fields we use are at Tempe Sports Complex or Benedict.
Remember that the league is operated as a part-time venture. We try to respond to all the emails but get 100’s at the start of each season. To get the best results you should complete the Free Agent form, that will put you in our database. We then send out an occasional email about the season starting and make it a priority to respond to those messages. Free Agent Form
The Friday coed league has a dual referee system. The referees are well experienced officiating casual adult matches. They will make a mistake, they will miss calls, we’re all human, but they do a solid job.
We run a Friday coed soccer league. The coed league runs on a nine-week schedule with an occasional exception. Generally speaking, we try to have divisions of eight teams, seven games regular season and then two weeks for playoffs. Game start times are around 6:20pm and 8:10pm. Each match has 40 minute halves with roughly a 10 minute halftime.
The Friday coed league plays a Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer season.
The league does work on providing a safe environment, yet we all know that playing soccer or any sport does have a risk of injury. Due to the fact we require everyone to sign a waiver before playing. Waivers can be handed to the referees, league assistants, or league director.
The Coed soccer league is very popular. It’s usually easy to place women on teams, but if you’re a man then the best bet is to find a woman that might join as well. Sorry, but it is coed and we do need an equal number of men and women.
This is a casual soccer league. We restrict slide tackling in our leagues. We all want to head into the weekend fit and able to party.
Getting on a team as a soccer free agent is hard and at times next to impossible. Therefore we do form teams on occasion to help accommodate all the free agents. If you jump on a free agent team then things will be a bit chaotic at first. It will take time for players to gel.